
... Maybe it wasn't all that bad after all. Maybe all he needed was one person knowing about his efforts. Maybe everything would turn out just fine; Maybe this was a happy ending. He forced his legs to run even faster, he could hear she started to run too, and her laughter was somewhere in front of him. He felt the cooled sand under his bare feet, and how the waves slowly reached shore and washed away their footprints. Yes, this was his happy ending.

Jeg har funnet ut at jeg failer close-up bilder og at for første gang i historien er jeg nogenlunde fornøyd med novellene mine.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Fine øyne.
    Var det slutten på novellen? Godt skrevet!

    " ... and the how waves slowly ..." Skulle det egentlig stått "and how the waves slowly ..."?

  2. / woah, var du?! :D AWESOME! Nå gleder jeg meg enda mere. Seriously, sitter med kriblinger i magen allerede. Synd det er litt smålenge til, men det går forhåpentligvis litt fortere enn forventa får vi håpe.
